Book Your Lessons EARLY This Year
I’ve got two half day private lessons booked for January already. With how things are going to be ran this year, I highly suggest making your plans very early. I’m not sure if Cascade will have online reservations for lessons or not. We’ll see. We have our orientation in a month or so. Once I […]
It’s a Different Ski Season (2020-21)
Here are some tips to help survive the 2020-21 ski season and the changes due to COVID.
My Level 1 Students Pass!
Again this year, I coached a group of 5 people going for PSIA Alpine Level 1 and they all passed! They did great at the exam and pretty much breezed through it. They had a good, healthy nervousness going through it and before it, I encouraged them telling them that the fact they came out […]
PSIA Central Level 2 Videos for 2019-2020
The New Movement Analysis Videos are Up! Go watch Levi, Susan, Mark, Conner, Carrie, Tommy, Maddie, Annette, Dan, Donner, and Blitzen (just kidding about the last two) ski. They’re right here on YouTube. Watch the videos and make sure you’re looking for where people’s weight (pressure) is. That will tell you a lot. For […]
Come Learn to Ski Better for Your Ski Trip!
Every year, I help people who want to go do some big mountain skiing but they think they’re not ready for it. I’ve been out there and I understand. You don’t want to be the last person in your group, struggling to keep up. It’s no fun at all. You finally catch up to everyone, […]
Why Do My Thighs Hurt When I Ski?
Doing this one thing can help make sure your legs no longer burn after you ski. It’s a simple thing that most people flat out do wrong. Within 5 minutes, you’ll be on your way to more enjoyable skiing.
Training for PSIA Level One
Beginning in December, I’ve been working with everyone going for PSIA Level I. We’ve had a number of meetings to train so far and they’ve gone really great. Here’s a summary of our sessions: Day One (12/5/18) – Introduction Went over requirements Started teaching 20 minute segments of the beginner lesson on the snow Everyone […]
Don’t Say… “I Almost Hit a Tree Once, So I’m Done Skiing” But Take a Lesson!
I’ve heard that phrase SO many times and guess what? I was in the SAME situation. Yeah, the first time I went skiing, my friends took me to the top and said, “OK, do this to stop. Let’s go.” And skiing that day was terrifying. I probably almost hit a few trees… for sure. Then […]
Winter Snow Forecast 2018-2019
So who out there has the skiing/snowboarding “bug” already? Are you anxious to get out on the snow yet? Those days are coming but I know it’s hard to wait. Last year’s snow predictions were a bit off the mark here in the Midwestern United States if you ask me. We didn’t get much snow […]
PSIA Level 3: Clinic for Ski Instructors – Pole Usage
A week ago, I gave a clinic for other instructors here (as we do on Saturday mornings) and I felt like doing that clinic was my start to PSIA Level 3. The topic was pole usage for short radius turns. I got a bunch of ski instructors to attend by announcing that this will help […]